Art studios take many forms, from a corner in your living room to a well-designed space providing the perfect light, plumbing, heat, inspiration, and energy. Whatever size and shape the studio takes, the purpose is always the same; it’s a holy place to make art. My studio, a 500 sq. ft. space in our attic, is the ideal size to do what I need to do, with little leftover. The angled walls of the pitched attic make it challenging to hang work, which isn’t ideal. The skylights bring in a lot of light in the afternoon, but the morning is dark. After about five years of experimenting with different lighting solutions, incandescent, LED spots, I’ve landed on two 200w LED studio lights with softboxes to diffuse an even light source. The two matching lights are daylight-balanced and provide the same light over my palette and painting surface, critical to efficient painting. I use Aputure’s Amaran 200D dimmable fixtures.
“All art is solitary and the studio is a torture area. ”
Conrad Monotype. Prefect for pulling monoprints and etchings. Increadably well made by the Conrad Machine Co. in Whitehall, Michigan